Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparing between two country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparing between two country - Essay Example that was established by the founding fathers of these nations after independence, challenges of border conflicts between neighboring countries is still real. Kenya and Tanzania have suffered similarly from terrorist attacks on the record of a twin bomb in the capitals of these two nations that simultaneously occurred on 7th August 2008 at the embassies of the United States. Politically, Kenya and Tanzania have shared several similarities. It will historically be remembered that these two countries were both British Colonies and got independence in the 1960s. At the time of independence, Kenya and Tanzania had similar structures and organization of a unitary government and (Klugman, Neyapti and Stewart 46). Both countries share a commonality of the political history for remaining single party democracies until 1992 when multiparty democracy was adopted in both Kenya and Tanzania. Their struggles for sovereignty are known to have resulted in massive loss of lives. Today, Kenya and Tanzania are multiparty democracies with several political parties registered in both countries. Both nations are headed by a Head of State with Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of the founding father in Kenya heading the country while his counterpart Jakaya Kikwete leading Tanzania. The political relations between the two nations have been stable since independence. Several changes in both countries have aimed at transforming governance although making varied achievements. However, Tanzania and Kenya have clearly manifest political differences. Firstly, through the many constitutional changes and amendments since independence, the political structures are substantially transformed. Kenya adopted and embraced a devolved system of governance while Tanzania embraces a unitary system of government (Martin 23). Under the decentralized governance in Kenya, the President is the Head of State while the Governors head the forty-seven counties. The famous constitutional change in Kenya in 2010 ushered in

Monday, October 28, 2019

South African Economic Racism Essay Example for Free

South African Economic Racism Essay Throughout the course of the 19th and 20th century, economic considerations played a significant role in shaping both racial discrimination and concepts of white supremacy in South Africa. When large deposits of gold and diamonds were discovered in the latter half of the 19th century, the economic structure of southern Africa was dramatically altered. The mining industry necessitated vast amounts of inexpensive labor in order to be profitable. In the post South African War period, the necessity to return the Boers to self-rule without harming the mining industry resulted in a series of legislation that legalized racial discrimination to ensure a large and cheap labor force consisting of Africans. South Africa’s industrial revolution and the legislation passed during the period immediately following the South African War provided the economic bases of racial discrimination and white supremacy in South Africa. In 1868, the Kimberly diamond strike propelled South Africa to a position as a world leader in diamond production. Similarly, the discovery of large gold deposits in the 18th and 19th century also attracted both foreign capital investment and immigration. The rapidly growing mining industries required massive amounts of inexpensive labor in order to be profitable. Hundreds of thousands of African workers sought employment in the developing mines and cities in industrializing cities. In the face of this increased competition, white workers benefitted from racial discrimination because it protected them economically from competition with African workers. White business owners sought a large and cheap African workforce; racial discriminatory practices ensured they were cheap and pliable. In order to limit the bargaining power of African workers seeking higher wages and to ensure that none could flee in the face of harsh labor conditions, the British conquered the remaining independent African states, confiscated land, and imposed severe cash taxations during the 1880s and 1890s. This forced African labor that had previously chosen employment in the mining industry voluntarily to now do so under conditions set solely by the employers. In addition, a series of discriminatory practices were first introduced during this period including pass laws and urban ghettos, further ensuring the enforced cooperation and steady supply of cheap African labor. The industrial revolution in South Africa introduced a pressing need for incredible amounts of cheap labor. The introduction of racially  discriminatory practices sought to meet this need by ensuring the In the aftermath of the South African War in 1902, the mining industry saw a depression in the face of a severe labor short age. In response, South African capitalists and mining industry leaders worked with British imperial authorities to import massive amounts of Chinese laborers. Between 1902 and 1907, over one hundred thousand Chinese immigrated to South Africa. However, Afrikaners opposed this vehemently arguing that it should be a white man’s country and that this influx of labor represented a new competitive threat for potential jobs. In 1906, the Liberals come to power in Great Britain. Many had opposed the South African War and were now calling for the return of self-rule to the Boers without endangering the mining industry. Afrikaners would take the place of skilled and semi-skilled English laborers at lower wages while newly enacted policies would force greater numbers of Africans to unskilled labor. The 1911 Mines and Works Act restricted African employment to menial and unskilled jobs, excluding them from most skilled categories of work. In effect, it legislated a racial hierarchy in the workplace and extended the practice throughout the South African economy beyond the mining industry. Furthermore, the Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924 restricted African rights to organize or to negotiate their terms of employment. In 1913, the Natives’ Land Act was enacted, restricting African ownership of land to designated areas comprising roughly 7 percent of the South Africa’s total land area and restricting Africans from establishing any businesses outside of this allocated space. In addition, the land partitioned for Africans was often of poor quality and could not possibly support its population. Thus, the law effectively prevented Africans from leading self-sufficient lives in rural communities. They were increasingly forced to work on Afrikaner owned farms, factories, and mines. In addition, restrictions on their movement and the right to reside in urban areas combined with the inability for rural areas to support significant numbers of Africans resulted in an endless system of migrant unskilled labor. Economic interests and considerations significantly in fluenced the segregation policies adopted in South Africa during the 19th and 20th centuries. The necessity of a cheap and controllable labor source resulted in harsh racially discriminatory policies and the rise of white supremacy. In 1944, the chairman of the Broederbond stressed the special role of  Afrikaners in a speech, â€Å"In every people in the world is embodied a Divine Idea and the task of each People is to build upon that Idea and to perfect it. So God created the Afrikaner People with a unique language, a unique philosophy of life, and their own history and tradition in order that they might fulfill a particular calling and destiny here in the southern corner of Africa. We must believe that God has called us to be servants of his righteousness in this place† (Clark and Worger, 32). Placing emphasis on divine support for their existence, their special place in the world, and righteous mission, this Afrikaner ideology can draw historical antecedents from the belief of Manifest Destiny in the United States in the 19th century and from the ethnic nationalist movement of Nazi Germany in the mid 20th century. This emphasis on the special Afrikaner identity heavily influenced Hendrik Verwoerd who se argument for apartheid centered on the inability for two cultures to achieve their ideal futures as each of their paths are unique. The intermingling of languages, traditions, and histories would be detrimental to both the Afrikaner and African peoples. These ideals of Afrikaner nationalism expressed in the quote draws historical antecedents back into the 19th century concept of Manifest Destiny. During the 19th century, Manifest Destiny was a widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the North American continent due to the special virtues of the American people and through a special destiny that was divinely ordained. Similarly, the Broederbond chairman asserts the special role of the Afrikaner people and their divinely ordained origin. In addition, he argues for their expansion throughout southern Africa as both a divine calling and righteous mission. The ideas expressed in the quote by the Broederbond chairman also draw numerous parallels with the 20th century German nationalism found in Nazi Germany. Following his ascension to power in Germany, Hitler’s movement and theories resonated considerably in South Africa, particularly with the Purified National Party and the Broederbond. The Broederbond established a â€Å"voortrekker† movement for Afrikaner youth, arguably seen as analogous to the Hitler Youth . In 1938, the Ossewabrandwag was established on the model of Hitler’s national socialist movement. By the end of 1939, over three hundred thousand Afrikaners had sworn loyalty to the volk, or Afrikaner people. It sought to establish an Afrikaner controlled republic in South  Africa, by violent means if necessary. Additionally, in 1938, a centenary celebration of the Great Trek was organized that placed emphasis on the heroic struggle of the Afrikaners against British oppression. The articulation of this â€Å"sacred history† and of a struggle for survival sought to memorialize and legitimize the special place of the Afrikaner people. These sentiments are again arguably analogous to those found in the ethnic nationalist movement of Nazi Germany that stressed the special place in history of the Aryan race. In both Afrikaner nationalism and German nationalism, the nation has a mystical and divine quality. In addition, the Afrikaner and German people are also considered to possess certain special and unique characteristics such as language, culture, and history that transcend the individual and contribute to a national unity. The emphasis of a special and unique Afrikaner identity expressed in the quote by the Broederbond chairman in 1944 can be seen in Hendrik Verwoerd’s argument for apartheid in 1950. As the minister of native affairs in the first National Party government, Verwoerd met with African members of the Native Representative Council to explain his theory and justification of apartheid. Basing his argument in the concept of ethnic nationalism, he asserts that Afrikaner and African communities must be divorced in order for both parties to prosper. It is impossible for two distinct and unique peoples to achieve their ideal futures while intermingled because each has their own particular path and calling. Verwoerd argues that tension and conflict are inevitable in mixed societies. The mixing of languages, traditions, and cultures in South Africa are only detrimental to the development of both the Afrikaner and African people. Appealing to African leaders for their cooperation in installing an apartheid policy, Verwoerd states that, â€Å"Instead of striving after vague chimeras and trying to equal the European in an intermingled community with confused ideals and inevitable conflict, he can be a national figure helping to lead his own people along the road of peace and prosperity. He can help give the educated men and women of his people an opportunity to†¦fully realize their ambitions within their own sphere† (Clark and Worger, 141). His explanation of apartheid places a significant emphasis on the purity of a people’s descent and the continuation of this line as the key to secure an ideal future. Both Afrikaners and Africans can only truly realize their full potential within their own cultural and ethnic sphere.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Characters in the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth scarcely feel guilt - with two exceptions: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. In this essay let's consider their guilt-problem. In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson comments regarding the guilt of the protagonist: It is a subtler thing which constitutes the chief fascination that the play exercises upon us - this fear Macbeth feels, a fear not fully defined, for him or for us, a terrible anxiety that is a sense of guilt without becoming (recognizably, at least) a sense of sin. It is not a sense of sin because he refuses to recognize such a category; and, in his stubbornness, his savage defiance, it drives him on to more and more terrible acts. (74) Blanche Coles states in Shakespeare's Four Giants that, regarding guilt in the play: Briefly stated, and with elaborations to follow, Macbeth is the story of a kindly, upright man who was incited and goaded, by the woman he deeply loved, into committing a murder and then, because of his sensitive nature, was unable to bear the heavy burden of guilt that descended upon him as a result of that murder. (37) A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy demonstrates the guilt of Macbeth from the very beginning: Precisely how far his mind was guilty may be a question; but no innocent man would have started, as he did, with a start of fear at the mere prophecy of a crown, or have conceived thereupon immediately the thought of murder. Either this thought was not new to him, or he had cherished at least some vaguer dishonourable dream, the instantaneous recurrence of which, at the moment of his hearing of prophecy, revealed to him an inward and terrifying guilt. (316) In "Memoranda: Remarks on the C... ...1957.    Frye, Northrop. Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1967.    Kemble, Fanny. "Lady Macbeth." Macmillan's Magazine, 17 (February 1868), p. 354-61. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts, eds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1997.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin.    Siddons, Sarah. "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth." The Life of Mrs. Siddons. Thomas Campbell. London: Effingham Wilson, 1834. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts, eds. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1997.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Polk’s Declaration of War with Mexico Essay

Many believe that James K. Polk’s declaration of War with Mexico was a justifiable action. On the contrary, a more sound argument can be made using Lincoln’s â€Å"Spot Resolutions† and Thoreau’s â€Å"Civil Disobedience†; stating that Polk deliberately proclaimed war in order to expand United States’ territory and slavery. Abraham Lincoln used his â€Å"Spot Resolutions† to persuade the House of Representatives to present Polk with queries about the veracity of his statements, particularly in regard to the actual â€Å"spot† where blood was initially shed. Lincoln’s questions were never answered but his resolutions convinced much of the public that Polk was not being straightforward about his motives for war. In fact, Polk had a draft written to Congress asking to declare war on Mexico prior to having gained knowledge of U.S. casualties. Polk’s original justifications for war include Mexico’s failure to pay U.S. damage claims and their refusal to meet with Slidell, yet later he stated that the war was a â€Å"defensive measure.† Other oppositions to the war came from those who defended civil liberties, most prominently from Henry David Thoreau. Through Thoreau’s eyes, the government was engaged in an unjust war with the sole objective to promote the westward expansion of slavery. As a protest, Thoreau refused to pay his poll tax to support an imperialistic war, resulting in a night in jail. Thoreau condoned breaking the law if the law was perceived unethical. Thoreau believed that people have the duty to answer to a higher law than of our government, their own set of morals. Polk seemed to change his reasons for war depending on what the public hoped to hear, but he never wavered in his decision for the declaration of War on Mexico. This suggests that he was determined to reap the rewards from a war that he declared over the opposition from both the public and the legislature. The analysis of Lincoln’s â€Å"Spot Resolutions† infer that James K. Polk declared war to gain western lands, especially California, despite the repercussions of warfare. Thoreau’s â€Å"Civil Disobedience† also gives evidence that Polk orchestrated the War with Mexico to reach slavery out west.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Miley Cyrus

I guess you are wrote some news about you don’t have to talk about. You have to go on the middle of the way. Yours writer wrote about full of lie or humiliating things about Miley Cyrus. I get so angry about it because she can do every thing she wants. I’m not a Miley fan or something like that but the news is very bad for her. She has a family too like us. If you want to make a news about Miley Cyrus or someone else you have to talk right and don’t judge people what they are doing. That’s why I’m writing this letter to you.First of all, the editor is so mean about Miley’s choice this is her choice you shouldn’t make a comment about it. If there is some problems about her life her father or mother will get a protection about the her problem Secondly, Your news have to be more serious and objective but you are doing the all stupid and idiot, news. I just wanted that from you is just take your business. You don’t have to talk bad thing to get an attention. You just can make of high quality news Thirdly, you can make more visible news like videos or photos.I don’t want to read the same things please make a difference in the magazine news. All these things considered, I feel I need to be compensated. In addition, I demand that you improve the news at your website or shut it down because of the silly and unnecessary news. If you do not do either of these, I will report it to the authorities myself. Please contact me at the address above or the following email address: [email  protected] com I would love to hear from you as soon as possible. I want to read more good and valuable news. Take care, writer

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Curse

are â€Å"I think I could have stopped it† (paragraph 7) and â€Å"I should have stopped it† (paragraph 19). His word... Free Essays on The Curse Free Essays on The Curse The Curse In the story â€Å"The Curse† by Andre Dubus there is some questioning about who the main character is in the story. It would be easy to present an argument that the young female, who was raped in the bar, would be the main character; but after much emphasis is given to Mitchell Hayes, the bartender, it is clear that he is the main character after all. Hayes is seen as the main character because the emotional changes that take place in the story center around him, even though the woman causes these changes. As the protagonist in this story Hayes struggles with his own moral conflict about the decision he made that night in the bar. Hayes did not physically help the young female when she was getting raped in the bar and now he regrets his decision. Dubus portrays Hayes as a round character because Hayes undergoes a change from the beginning of the story until the end. The method of characterization that is used in this story is narrative description. Dubus gives facts â€Å"he was not a ! small man: his weight moved up and down in the hundred and seventies and he was five feet, ten inches tall† (paragraph 1) and implied judgment, the fact that he is not small would make us believe he was authoritative. Dubus uses two additional devices of characterization in this story: he reveals the character’s state of mind through surface details of his actions (excessive cigarette smoking to ease stress), he also reveals Hayes by letting the readers enter his consciousness, telling us what he thinks and feels. These tools allow us to discover what Dubus is trying to portray in the character Mitchell Hayes. We learn about Mitchell Hayes not by first person accounts, but through indirect characterization. Dubus uses three methods, Mitchell’s words, actions, and thoughts, to bring out this character. Examples of his words are â€Å"I think I could have stopped it† (paragraph 7) and â€Å"I should have stopped it† (paragraph 19). His word...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Clemente Chavez

â€Å"There is a heat more intense than fire of the torch! And it can be rekindled at a moment’s notice! Where discrimination, injustice and oppression rear their ugly heads the fire can be called upon to burn them away.† Clemente Chavez is a protagonist in the novel Heart of Aztlan. The took place in Barelas, a â€Å"barrio† in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the year 1950’s. Clemente Chavez used to be a farmer, and he loved to work the soil. He lived in a rural area with his family. He yearns for his life in barrio, he also fight for his and his co-workers rights in the city. The book ends with Clemente leading his co-workers on a peaceful demonstration through the railroad company. And he want his family to have a better future, he believe that there is a better life in the city. Clemente is a father that is willing to give his life to his family’s future and the rights and conditions of his co-workers. Clemente wants his family to have a better life. He had a land in a barrio. Unfortunately he was not able to earn enough to pay the mortgages on his land, so he was forced to give up and sell the land. Prior to selling the land, he is like he lost his old customs and traditions. â€Å"There is no injustice in dealing in land.† He felt cursing and crying out the pain he felt because Don Jose bought it in a very low price; Clemente do have any choice. His family are always there to care for him. His family felt very sorry for Clemente. They the move from rural area to urban life takes a hard toll on the family, especially to Clemente. For him is like moving from one world to another. As Clemente wants his family for a better future, he feels powerless in regards in his own family, who’s members takes up city-life in their own ways, and not to his liking. His children enjoy moving in the city; they quickly socialize with the youth often attending parti... Free Essays on Clemente Chavez Free Essays on Clemente Chavez â€Å"There is a heat more intense than fire of the torch! And it can be rekindled at a moment’s notice! Where discrimination, injustice and oppression rear their ugly heads the fire can be called upon to burn them away.† Clemente Chavez is a protagonist in the novel Heart of Aztlan. The took place in Barelas, a â€Å"barrio† in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the year 1950’s. Clemente Chavez used to be a farmer, and he loved to work the soil. He lived in a rural area with his family. He yearns for his life in barrio, he also fight for his and his co-workers rights in the city. The book ends with Clemente leading his co-workers on a peaceful demonstration through the railroad company. And he want his family to have a better future, he believe that there is a better life in the city. Clemente is a father that is willing to give his life to his family’s future and the rights and conditions of his co-workers. Clemente wants his family to have a better life. He had a land in a barrio. Unfortunately he was not able to earn enough to pay the mortgages on his land, so he was forced to give up and sell the land. Prior to selling the land, he is like he lost his old customs and traditions. â€Å"There is no injustice in dealing in land.† He felt cursing and crying out the pain he felt because Don Jose bought it in a very low price; Clemente do have any choice. His family are always there to care for him. His family felt very sorry for Clemente. They the move from rural area to urban life takes a hard toll on the family, especially to Clemente. For him is like moving from one world to another. As Clemente wants his family for a better future, he feels powerless in regards in his own family, who’s members takes up city-life in their own ways, and not to his liking. His children enjoy moving in the city; they quickly socialize with the youth often attending parti...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Choose a Building Lot for Your New House

How to Choose a Building Lot for Your New House Youre building a house. Which do you do first? 1. Select a style and a plan OR 2. Select a building lot? Both approaches have merit. If your heart is set on a Spanish style adobe home, a heavily treed lot may not make sense for you. Having an idea of the architectural style you prefer will determine the size and characteristics of your building site. You may run into problems, however, if you select a specific floor plan too soon. You can always design a home to suit a landscape, but you may not be able to alter a landscape to accommodate the specifications of predetermined house plans. The configuration of rooms, the placement of windows, the location of the driveway and many other design elements will be affected by the land you build on. The land itself has long been the inspiration for truly great homes. Consider Frank Lloyd Wrights Fallingwater. Constructed of concrete slabs, the house is anchored to a rugged stone hill in Mill Run, Pennsylvania. Compare Fallingwater with Mies van der Rohes Farnsworth House. Made almost entirely of transparent glass, this unearthly structure seems to float above a grassy plain in Plano, Illinois. Would the Farnsworth House seem as graceful and serene perched on a rocky hill? Would Fallingwater make such a powerful statement if it sat in a grass field? Probably not. Questions to Ask About Your Building Lot Once you have located a promising building site for your new home, spend some time on the building site. Walk the full length of the building site at different times of the day. If you are a follower of feng shui, you may want to think about the land in terms of its chi, or energy. If you prefer a more down-to-earth evaluation, think about ways the building site will influence the shape and style of your home. Ask yourself: What are the general characteristics of the land? Is it green and woodsy? Rocky and gray? Or, is it a vast open stretch with a golden hue? Will the prevailing colors of the landscape change with the seasons? Will the home you imagine blend with the landscape? Does the landscape suggest particular colors or materials you might include in the design of your home?Can other structures be clearly seen from the building lot? What is the prevailing architectural style? Will your proposed home fit the overall context of the neighborhood?Will the size of your proposed house be proportionate to the size of the lot? (You dont want to squeeze a mansion onto a postage stamp!)Is there a street or road? Should the house face toward or away from the road?Where should the driveway be located? Will there be enough room for cars and delivery trucks to turn around?Where are the most pleasing views? Where does the sun rise and set? Which views would you like to see from the living areas? From the kitchen ? From the bedrooms? Where should windows and doors be placed? If you are in a northern climate, how important is it to face the south? Will a southern exposure help you save on heating costs?Is the site flat? Are there hills or streams? Are there any other geological conditions that might affect the design or placement of your home?How much landscaping will be required? Will preparing the land for building and planting trees and shrubbery add to your final costs? The waterfall views at Fallingwater may look idyllic, but for most of us, building on a rocky hillside isnt practical. You want the site of your new home to be beautiful, but it must also be safe... and affordable. Before you make a final decision, youll need to consider a mind-boggling list of technical details. Check Your Building Lot For Common Problems As you narrow your search for an ideal building site, dont scrimp on getting expert advice on home building. Your builder can put you in touch with consultants with the legal and scientific expertise to offer building advice. Your consultants will investigate the characteristics of the land and explore zoning, building codes and other factors. Land Conditions Soil. Has the property been a victim of hazardous waste? Are there pollutants that may not be apparent to an untrained observer?Land Stability. Is the property is subject to land slides or sinkages?Water Drainage. Is the property located near a river? Are there hills or low spots which may make your home subject to water runoff? Err on the side of caution. Even Mies van der Rohe made a grievous mistake. He placed the Farnsworth House too close to a stream, and his masterpiece suffered serious flood damage as a result.Noise. Is there a nearby airport, highway, or railroad? How disruptive is it? Zoning, Building Codes and More Zoning. In five years, your beautiful views may be replaced by a highway or a housing development. Zoning regulations will indicate what may be legally constructed in the surrounding area.Building Codes. A variety of ordinances will affect the placement of your new home on the lot. Regulations will specify how close you can build to the property line, roads, streams, and lakes.Easements. Easements for electrical and telephone poles will limit the space you have for building your home.Public Utilities. Unless the property is in a development of suburban tract homes, there may not be easy access to electricity, gas, telephone, cable television or public water lines. Sewers. If there are no municipal sewers, youll need to know where you may legally place your septic system. Costs You may be tempted to skimp on the cost of your land so that you can spend more money on building your house. Dont. The cost of altering an unsuitable lot is likely to be more expensive than purchasing land that is meets your needs and your dreams. How much should you spend on a building lot? There are exceptions, but in most communities your land will represent 20% to 25% of your total building costs. Advice From Frank Lloyd Wright Building a house is often the easy part. Making decisions is stressful. In Wrights book The Natural House (Horizon, 1954), the master architect gives this advice on where to build: When selecting a site for your house, there is always the question of how close to the city you should be, and that depends on what kind of slave you are. The best thing to do is go as far out as you can get. Avoid the suburbs- dormitory towns- by all means. Go way out into the country- what you regard as too far- and when others follow, as they will (if procreation keeps up), move on.~p. 134

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Human resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Human resource Management - Essay Example On similar lines, in our organization, performance of front line executives is measured on the basis of productivity and quality achieved. Although organizational values incorporate specific behavior, values and conduct expected from employees, these have minimal impact on their performance outcome. Measuring performance of front line employees on the basis of productivity and quality is more like following scientific management principles of Taylorism and Fordism, which are incongruent with contemporary management and organizational behavior as well as organizational requirements. Currently, performance management should focus on overall efficiency of the organization and a continuous sustainability. The ever-increasing competition in the products’ and services’ markets requires people to be more innovative in creating newer products, features, systems, and mechanisms of working. Innovation in types of services provided as well as improving profitability for organizati ons is also much required. Now that the number of employees at the front line is the maximum and these groups are directly into carrying out core operations of the organizations, maximum contribution towards innovation can be expected from this group. However, with no direction and returns, they will not be motivated to think out of the box and/or go extra mile to achieve the uncommon or untold tasks. Strong support from leadership at all levels and for all groups of employees is also required to encourage innovation and extended contribution from employees. This would also mean accountability from leadership perspective that can be measurable. Lack of such support and practices will only result in decreasing motivation and commitment from employees, which is the case presently in our organization. Area of improvement and reasons for the change: In order to address this aspect of performance management and employee behavior, it would be best to include a component of employee behavi or in performance management that can create accountability for the desired behavior besides encouraging specific behaviors that would be beneficial for the employee development as well as the organizational growth. Performance management is a process employed by organizations to continuously improve their employee performance, enhance employee motivation and look for opportunities to innovate or further improve in order to gain as well as sustain competitiveness. This is a complex and critical process that has been researched immensely and has resulted in different methods. Performance measurement has been a universally adopted method of performance management. Measurement of performance at every level and in every function is a distinct activity, and cannot be combined. Although the organizational goal remains unique and single, different activities need to be performed in order to achieve that goal by different people having distinct skills and capabilities. Because the nature of work performed by these people contributing to achievement of organizational goal is different, they have to be measured differently, that is accurate and appropriate, in order to help in achieving the desired results. Halachmi (2005) asserts that in order to advance performance there is a need to manage

Reflections on the First Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflections on the First Amendment - Essay Example Law in society is best understood as an endeavor – a living institution performing social tasks. The legal order is more than a system of norms or rules. It is also a set of agencies responding to social needs, pressures, and aspirations. In most human interaction, people have to accept the risk that others will not do what is expected of them. Some expectations are formally recognized and can be the basis of claims of rights. Buchanan (2010, par. 2) averred that the First Amendment â€Å"was written because at Americas inception, citizens demanded a guarantee of their basic freedoms†. As a â€Å"blueprint for personal freedom and the hallmark of an open society, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition† (Buchanan, 2010, par. 3). In this regard, this essay is written to proffer at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment. In addition, the rights and responsibilities that the Constitution provides an individual as an American citizen would be evaluated. These issues would be discussed in terms of the rationale for determining the need to discuss each case to be heard and interpreted by the Supreme Court. Finally, the essay would determine how the Supreme Court’s decision in each case continues to affect the rights of American citizens today. The First Amendment clearly and explicitly stipulated rights pertinent to speech, assembly and religion. Buchanan presented these provisions in concise and abstracted terms, as quoted to wit: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances† (Buchanan, 2010, par. 1). The Rosenberger v. Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia, U.S. (1995, 1) is an example of a Supreme Court

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategy Paper - Essay Example As mentioned, a bachelor’s degree is not directly proportional to outstanding performance. It is on this premise that our front liners – the people who will deal and interact directly with customers and suppliers – do not essentially need to be degree holders, but should have sufficient expertise in this field, and should have delivered excellent performance in their respective fields during previous work experiences. Customer Service is one of the company’s first priority as it reflects the values and objectives of the company, and this is something not really learned within the confines of a classroom, but in an actual interactive environment where one begins to learn and understand the needs of a customer. To further enhance the company front liners, they will also be subject to trainings and workshops that would contribute to the betterment of their performances. Same amount of regard would be given to the company’s sales and marketing teams, as they will be the backbone of the company. They will be given specific goals to achieve as far as sales are concerned. The Marketing team will likewise be given quantifiable objectives that could be equated to the success of the sales team. Each employee’s contribution definitely makes up for the company’s success, therefore making it crucial to find the right people who would deliver results for the company. 10-8 ensures that its workforce is maximized by giving high regards to the collective achievement of the team members, not only to individual performances. This way, each team member’s potential will be utilized in a manner whereby the results would always reflect to the team as a whole. 10-8’s core value is to give back to the community, and this is reflected in the company’s marketing and business strategy. The management would like to position the company as a

WWII, Holocaust, Cold War, and Postmodernism Coursework - 1

WWII, Holocaust, Cold War, and Postmodernism - Coursework Example The paper "WWII, Holocaust, Cold War, and Postmodernism" analyzes the holocaust, the cold war, and world war II and their connection with postmodernism. The United States did not get on board with World War II unless it absolutely had to fight back against one of the Axis Powers, which was Japan. During the Holocaust, this atrocity might not have occurred if more people would have defended the rights of human beings to live and coexist peacefully with people from other religious backgrounds, faith traditions, ethnicities, and ability levels. There were numerous people that were murdered due to the fact that the Germans considered them â€Å"undesirable.† The groups included in the undesirable category cut through a wide swath of people, not just limited to the Jewish people—but also extended to the Gypsies (also known as the Roma or Romani), disabled individuals, individuals with birth defects, homosexuals, Communists, artists, poets, musicians, writers, and anyone else who was considered â€Å"subhuman.† It is very common knowledge that the Germans were ruthless in their treatment of the concentration camp prisoners, for the most part. Elie Wiesel, in his book Night, describes how the blue smoke of the children rose up from the crematories. He describes how he will never forget that night, not as long as he lived, and basically until the death of God himself he promised never to forget. In a way, his writing symbolized a kind of spiritual death as one sees his hopes and dreams turned to dust.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Philosophers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Philosophers - Research Paper Example According to Bennabi, religion is important if the equation Man + Soil + Time = Civilization(Benlahcene, 2013). He argued that Man was at the center of the process of civilization and that without him, the other elements would not hold. In line with verse 13:11 of the Quran, he also argued that to change the society, Muslims must first seek to change their spiritual condition. Bennabi’s philosophy was based on a deep understanding of Islam not just as a religion, but also as a civilization. He sought to philosophically explain the origins of the decline of Islam and propose solutions. His early life in a devout Islamic family had prepared him for such a mission. Ibn Khaldun is largely considered the most important philosopher and scholar in Muslim History(Rapoport, 2011). Ibn Khaldun was born to a wealthy family in 1332. He received a traditional education. His first teacher was his father, a scholar who avoided politics even though he came from a ruling family. Then, under different scholars, he memorized the Quran and learned Arabic grammar, Hadith, philology, rhetoric, jurisprudence and poetry. Ibn Khaldun pursued studies until the age of nineteen when a major plague struck the country. After the plague, Ibn Tafrakin, the ruler of Tunis, hired Khaldun as the seal bearer of the ruler’s captive, Sultan Abu lshaq. This appointment set the stage for Khaldun’s political career. In a work known as the Muqaddima, translated â€Å"The Introduction to History†, Khaldun offers a synthesis of the methodological and cultural knowledge that an effective historian must possess. In the book, he presents a cyclical model of how dynasties evolved in the ancient world (Rapoport, 2011). First, tribal ties were very strong and played an important role in the formation of new empires in the ancient Arab world. He posited that it was the

LITERATURE REVIEW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

LITERATURE REVIEW - Essay Example † In the same context, the paper therefore seeks to establish the different ethical issues that may affect the running of a multinational company. This is important because the success of human resource management of any company is highly dependent on ethical issues put in place by the entire management board. According to Trevino and Nelson (2012, p.215), ethical issues regardless of the cultural situation are defined by primary and secondary stakeholders. The paper will therefore bring into view the different ethical issues as indicated by the Abraham’s Stakeholder model and try to figure out the strength of these ethical issues as would determine the success of human resource management and progressive development in a company operating multi-nationally. Stakeholders That Determine Company Ethics Business partners Partnership in a business can be a much polarised issue when unethical business actions are put in place by one organization. According to Pige (2002, p.4), a business will run effectively if the business partners perceive it as being beneficial to them. In this case, they are bound to support each other in their various capacities and the various business entities. For instance, if Western Airlines is a company that benefits the economy of a non-western nation like China, the business partners in China will support its operations there. However, if there is suspicion of market dominance by the Chinese partners, there is bound to be creation of unethical business acts to scare away the market from the Western Airlines. This creates a very complicated system in the management of the foreign company as unethical acts may require a lot of public relations to regain the diminishing glory (Phillips, 2011, p. 81). In this case, the issue of â€Å"who or what counts† come in and there is a high level misunderstanding. However, if these two companies have a sound business partnership, there will be a high level ethical business partners hip and ability to create good public relations to each other (Kardys, 2012, p. 2). Customers These are the modest reasons for the existence of any company. From a background perspective, Regelbrugge (1998, p.3) indicates that any business must do all it takes to create a high level market for its products. This is in line with expansion of the customers and rendering their needs to their satisfaction. Any unethical act that hurts the customers goes a long way in alienating a company from a market. Multinational companies in the same way face a very tricky situation in trying to maintain the same in the wake of the unethical issue. A recent article by Soni (2009, p.4) maintained the same idea by insisting that if company staffs mishandle a customer, it may go a long way in becoming unethical in the entire customer society. The business will therefore lose a high level customer base to its competitors who are always at standby to initiate these into their company products. Employees Ethics inside an organization has not been a recent issue. As indicated earlier, the motivation to work effectively is levelled towards the beneficial factors that can be realised at the end of the whole process. Employees always have competing goals. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there is always a need to be happy and the need for satisfaction comes in. The management levels in all organizations however are never the same. Some are horizontal while

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Philosophers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Philosophers - Research Paper Example According to Bennabi, religion is important if the equation Man + Soil + Time = Civilization(Benlahcene, 2013). He argued that Man was at the center of the process of civilization and that without him, the other elements would not hold. In line with verse 13:11 of the Quran, he also argued that to change the society, Muslims must first seek to change their spiritual condition. Bennabi’s philosophy was based on a deep understanding of Islam not just as a religion, but also as a civilization. He sought to philosophically explain the origins of the decline of Islam and propose solutions. His early life in a devout Islamic family had prepared him for such a mission. Ibn Khaldun is largely considered the most important philosopher and scholar in Muslim History(Rapoport, 2011). Ibn Khaldun was born to a wealthy family in 1332. He received a traditional education. His first teacher was his father, a scholar who avoided politics even though he came from a ruling family. Then, under different scholars, he memorized the Quran and learned Arabic grammar, Hadith, philology, rhetoric, jurisprudence and poetry. Ibn Khaldun pursued studies until the age of nineteen when a major plague struck the country. After the plague, Ibn Tafrakin, the ruler of Tunis, hired Khaldun as the seal bearer of the ruler’s captive, Sultan Abu lshaq. This appointment set the stage for Khaldun’s political career. In a work known as the Muqaddima, translated â€Å"The Introduction to History†, Khaldun offers a synthesis of the methodological and cultural knowledge that an effective historian must possess. In the book, he presents a cyclical model of how dynasties evolved in the ancient world (Rapoport, 2011). First, tribal ties were very strong and played an important role in the formation of new empires in the ancient Arab world. He posited that it was the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

On Modern New Reportage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On Modern New Reportage - Essay Example    Garofoli's article was built on the recent emergence of the so-called Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength, a group of millionaires who are urging the government to tax the rich. It investigated, hence, the wider issue of taxation, which has divided the political parties since. Democrats are in favor of such measure while Republicans, with their preferred economic model, wants to leave them alone. Using millionaire Doug Edward, as a basis for the report, Garofoli built his narrative on the millionaire's now famous quote, "Would you please raise my taxes?" This article is important because it highlights two important sociological issues: that of the economy and of policymaking. Edward and what he stood for in the news story demonstrates that two prevailing approaches by which the economic system in America operates. The first is the conservative model wherein the government takes in a lesser regulatory role and leaves most to the capitalists. On the other side, there is the progressive approach to the economy that prescribes greater regulation and equitability of wealth. The economic dimension is augmented by the politics of the policymaking process. The article, for example, used two resource persons, each representing the dominant political ideologies, explaining their own perspective on the issue. Occupy London Meanwhile, Alleyne's report is part of the series of news documenting the still ongoing Occupy London protest, which took after the Occupy Wall Street in the United States, the demonstration against economic inequality, corporate greed, and social injustices among other related issues that led to similar demonstrations in other countries. It reported a recent move by protesters to occupy an abandoned building, which came after they have peacefully occupied the land around St. Paul’s Cathedral, adjacent to the London Stock Exchange. The significance of this news report has anchored the fact that Occupy London, as with other versions of this demonstration, touches on several sociological issues that are spawned by the current dominant economic system around the world. The perception, especially among the participants in the protest, is that such system has come to be monopolized by capitalists, corporate entities and multinationals whose sole motive is profit, which is often gained at the expense of the public - their welfare, their rights, and opportunities. Critique Garofoli’s article is what can be considered as the ideal news report. There is an obvious effort to achieve a balanced and objective reporting to document an event and the issues it entailed. If one examines the article, for instance, the writer took pains in taking the sides of opposing stakeholders. Cases in point are the quotes and arguments coming from both political sides. Then there is also the angle wherein the perspectives of the policymakers were presented side by side the opinions and points raised by the public. Throughout the pape r, it is hard to identify an instance wherein the reporter displayed bias or ingratiated his own opinion on what he is reporting. This case cannot be said about Alleyne’s piece.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Qantas Airlines Essay Example for Free

Qantas Airlines Essay Introduction Qantas Airlines, initially known as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS), was founded by two former war pilots, Wilmot Hudson Fysh and Paul McGinness, in 1920 at Queensland, Australia. Qantas is the flag carrier airline for Australia and it is the second oldest airlines in the world. Qantas Airlines headquarters is located in Mascot, Sydney, New South Wales with its major hub at Sydney Airport. The airline began with joy flights in 1920 and by 1922, they carried 871 passengers and logged 54,000 km without severe damage. It also began its airmail service between Charleville and Cloncurry which was their first ever to be scheduled in 1922. In 1935, Qantas operated its first international flight which was a regular four-day trip from Brisbane to Singapore. It has now become Australia’s largest domestic and international airlines with much development. Qantas started advertising via television. It was a television campaign which started in 1967 through a few decades with it targeting American citizens. The ad was a huge success as it was named as one of the greatest commercial of all times. The airlines also promoted its brand by sponsoring a handful of sports team. Qantas is the principal contributor of the â€Å"Qantas Wallabies†, Australia’s national Union Rugby team and the Formula One Australian Grand Prix. It also sponsors the Australian’s national association football team, Socceroos and recently made a deal with Cricket Australia to be the main backer of the Australian national cricket team. Qantas had become so significant that the government bought over it back in 1947 which is a year after the Australian Airlines was formed. Unfortunately, Australian Airlines had a major issue which led to Qantas b eing sold. Qantas was then privatised and since then it has continued to mature despite fighting financial crisis and global turndown for aviation. To regain profit, Qantas have produce subsidiaries such as Jetstar Airways which is Qantas’ low-cost carrier. CEO Alan Joyce was pleased to announce Qantas’ best profit ($250 mil.) since the global financial crisis in 2011, even though the airlines and the aviation suffered from some challenges. Despite everything, it is undeniable that Qantas is regarded as the worlds leading long distance airline and one of the strongest brands in Australia.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The American Revolution Was NOT Justified :: Americas Unjust Revolution

Any historical event with-world changing consequences will always have two sides to the story. What most Americans refer to today as the American Revolution is no different. As Americans, most of us view eighteenth-century England as a tyrannical power across the ocean, and see men like George Washington as heroes who fought against the oppressor. If history and wars were that simple, everyone would understand them, and the need for wars would be diminished. The truth is, England was not the least bit tyrannical to the colonies. Actually, the rebels had no idea, nor any intention of establishing a new and separate government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." They only meant to make a statement and attempt to avoid every tax that Parliament could dream up in the process. Across the Atlantic Ocean in England's Parliame nt, some men such as William Pitt and Edmund Burke understood opposition to taxes by the American colonists. After all, the colonies had been all but ignored by England since they were established in the early part of the seventeenth century up until the Seven Years War (1756 - 1763). Other men such as George Grenville and Charles Townshend did not understand at all the protests against any taxes implemented by Parliament . These men felt that was not only the right of Parliament to demand taxes, but also their duty to raise money for the Crown. Parliament had the power to demand a tax of every British citizen in the empire, and these men had developed their own ideas about how those taxes would be implemented.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Web Page :: Essays Papers

A Web Page A web page is an electronic document written in a computer language called HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language. Each web page has a unique address, called a URL, short for Uniform Resource Locator, which identifies its location on the network. A website has one or more related web pages, depending on how it's designed. Web pages on a website are linked together through a system of hyperlinks, so that you can jump between them by clicking on a link. On the Web, you navigate, popularly knowing as surfing, through pages of information based on what interests you at that particular moment. Home Page When you browse the World Wide Web you'll see the term home page quite a lot. Think of a home page as the starting point of a website. Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page in most cases gives an overview of what you'll find at the website. A website can have one page, many pages or a few long ones, depending on how it's designed. If there isn't a lot of information, the home page may be the only page. But usually you will find at least a few other pages. Web pages vary wildly in their design and content, but most use a traditional magazine format. At the top of the page is a masthead or banner graphic. Then there's a list of items, such as articles, often with a brief description. The items in the list are usually hot, meaning that they are linked to other pages in the website or to other websites. Sometimes these links are highlighted words in the body of the text or are arranged in a list, just like an index. They can also be a combination of both. A web page can also have images that link to other content. Designing the structure of your Web site Designing your Web site begins with planning the purpose of the site, what the content will be, and how you want it to be structured. A well-designed Web site can make it easy for your audience to navigate and get the information you want them to receive. It can also make it easier for you to manage and update later on. Planning the purpose and content of the site

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Concept of Bartering as Adapted by the Film In Time

The Concept of Bartering as Adapted by the Film In Time, and Its Implications. HAS 2013 Prices, Values, and Money Contents 1 Introduction of the characteristics of the genres thriller, action, and drama, making it fairly complex and capable of providing several different perspectives as well as various points of analysis, from the general plot to the greater cultural backgrounds. The film centers on the concept of time being utilized as the primary currency in a modernized world which is set a century ahead of the present.Due to intentional genetic engineering money is no longer available in the material form used in today's society, but has been replaced by time, which can be exchanged for other goods or forms of labor. The actual value of this new type of currency is undeniably not purely symbolic as is the case with today's form of money, but it is innately linked to the length of one's own lifetime. Precisely this linkage is what relates this financial concept to that of barterin g, and the adaptation of which will be the main topic – alongside with its societal implications – of this paper.Generally speaking the aim of this paper is to study a different conceptualization of exchange – regardless of its unrealistic possibility of enforceability – through an analysis of the concept of time being used as a substitute for money as presented in the film In Time, comparing it with the Aristotelian concept of bartering in an attempt to categorize and define the principles of this alternative form of exchange and its effect on the economy.Following this topic the paper will draw on Aristotle concept of liberality, which is also of importance within the film, inflation as such, and a short analysis of the social class system created by a fictional society run by time. These points should provide further understanding of today's system of exchange, hills enforcing a more creative and practical approach, ultimately highlighting negative and positive aspects of the current system. Time as Currency The film's concept of time runs as follows: from the age of 25 years onwards every individual is granted a lifetime of one further year, which begins to count down on their 25th birthday. From then on, the amount of time one has left to live depends on the acquisition of further time, or the expenditure which will inevitably thus ensue in Odder to purchase food and other necessary goods, such as clothes, housing, and electricity; time has become the universal currency.When a person's clock reaches O, that person dies immediately. The presence of sickness or other natural causes of death are not elaborated on within In Time. The currency of time as used in the film demands an exchange of a certain amount of time for other goods – and can even be exchanged for time itself at the bank in the form of a loan.Labor and services are paved for with time, and the wages allocated to different types of labor may be relationally c omparable to those used in today's society with regard to low-wage Jobs which require little to no education and gig-wage Jobs which usually require at least some sort of education and/or a certain degree of power, such as the Jobs of managers, professors, pilots, and doctors. Daily life and routines seem very much similar to today's system, with the exception of a higher death rate, however, even casinos and banks are shown in the film and seemingly fulfill the same function they do today.One's time status – which is comparable to the bank balance of today – is constantly on display in the individual scenes, making it easy for by-passers to inform themselves of one another's wealth, lest he or she should wear long sleeves or another type of clothing capable of hiding the numbers from view. For example, in the scene in which Will Salsa and Sylvia Weiss swim in the dark the watch presents the only source of light along with the lighting from the mansion, which in itself shares an innate connection with time through its immense worth (see figure 1).The only three obvious differences between the way time is used and the way money is used today lies in the following: firstly, the country has been manually divided into ‘time zones', the crossing of which itself costs time – travel today only raises costs in question of transportation. Secondly, the fact that time is constantly being spent by an individual – somewhat unintentionally – Just by being alive, whereas money on the other hand retains its value and can only be spent intentionally, and thirdly, that there seems to be no form of taxation or even individual fortune tracking.The government is, however, keen on surveillance, which becomes evident through the large amount of cameras which are situated seemingly everywhere, and through monitors which convey the proportional distribution of time – therefore wealth – throughout the United States; the main purpo se of this is to ensure that wealth continues to follow the geographical pattern which was dictated by the government, so that the very wealthy time zones continue to harbor the largest proportion of the country's wealth, while the poorer areas share very little wealth between them.The film focuses on two specific time zones: the very wealthy New Greenwich – home of the Weiss family, and the poorer Dayton – home of the Salsa family, which illustrates the extreme social discrepancies achieved through differences in wealth. Bartering The concept of bartering is constantly being revised and today means a form of exchange where a good or certain form of labor is exchanged for another good or certain form of labor, whereby both of the goods or the labor in question are separable from their possessors and carry palpable value – usually in terms of their use and quality – as in, for example, the exchange of berries for milk and vice versa; both of these goods ar e subject to intrinsic value, the primary one being the function of satiating and sustaining a human being.According to Aristotle, however, the concept of bartering carries a slightly different meaning. Firstly, Aristotle differentiates between types of property according to how hose are acquired, for example through hunting, or agricultural processes.These acquisitions demand time, which may be reduced by level of skill, therefore it is only logical that individuals should first and foremost pursue tasks for which they possess the required skills, basic required goods, or geographical advantages – for example a hunter living near a forest with a large quantity of game, or a wheat farmer with a sufficient amount of land available to him – and then exchange the in – excess acquired – good for a good which is more difficult or more important for the man in question to obtain.The value of each good is measured individually by each of the partners or group of individuals with the same interest partaking in the exchange, Shoes may be exchanged for a house, cattle for horses, eggs for wood, harvest labor for bread, and so on and so forth. Essentially the value of each good is constantly being revised, there is no one form of currency, money in today's form does not exist, a central market is not existent, and the government – should there be some sort of government present – has no impact on bartering as such. 4 Time as Currency in Association with BarteringAs mentioned above, the currency of time within the film In Time carries an intrinsic value – that of being capable of influencing the length of one's life. Money in the material form used today does not have as acute an influence on the length of one's life apart from its use in acquiring medicine or food from another human being, however, time too must pay for these goods nit the film. Following the traditional concept of bartering, man-made products or labor are exchanged for other man-made products or labor, however, time, as such, can be classed as neither f the two.Time is universally granted and – although man cannot alter time itself, he can – in this specific setting – gain more of it, or lose some or all of it, thereby ‘bartering' with his own life. At this point it may also be relevant to acknowledge the circumstance of time being an infinite concept in terms of gaining, and yet, it is certainly possible to be deprived of any time at all – by society, by oneself, or by the greater powers of the universe, leading to immediate death.The fact that time is, however, the only globally accepted currency – currency eyeing a theoretic opposition to the concept of bartering, is somewhat of a negation of the possibility of seeing this system as a form of bartering. In bartering the changeability of a good or of labor is subject to the interest another has in it, and whether or not the individual †“ or group of individuals – is capable of exchanging this for a good or for labor of their own which is of interest to the partner of exchange.In a typical bartering society there would be no primary or main good available for transfer, and certainly none by which value could be measured in any form, as time r the dollar can. Goods would be dependent on the separate circumstances of each individual, and their values would be subject to constant revisal. Currency as such is defined as being a system of money in general use in a particular country (Oxford English Dictionary, 2013).Aristotle intense occupation with the concept of slavery amongst men can, however, not be analyzed via the film, as slavery in its original form does not play a role, because modern human rights forbid inequality among mankind. The population of Dayton is indeed, to a certain extent, enslaved to the government, as he government regulates inflation and thereby death rates, and due to governmental â⠂¬Ëœtime keepers' – comparable to rope-men in contemporary societies – who are empowered to relieve individuals of time should they be accused of having acquired it without sufficient rights, or in case of other criminal allegations.Prisons are naturally impossible institutions in poorer societies run by time, as inmates would not be capable of earning enough time to keep themselves alive during their stay without further work, which instead leads them to inevitable death. Aristotle coins the term ‘liberality' in regard to money, describing a liberal man as one who is neither â€Å"acquisitive nor retentive of money, but is ready to part with it, and does not value it for himself, but only with a view to giving† (Aristotle. The Ethics of Aristotle. Trans. J. Thomson. England: Penguin Books, 1953. Print. ).In Time portrays protagonist Will Salsa as becoming somewhat of a liberal man. Toward the end of the film's development, he and Sylvia Weiss – dau ghter of one of the richest men in the world at the time – abide by the Robin Hood principle, which souses on the redistribution of wealth in order to reduce economic inequality. The most fascinating aspect here, is that the ‘wealth' in question is far more life-giving, than money in the standard form, which certainly buys food, however, the human being is capable of living for far longer without food than without ‘time' as portrayed in the film itself.Strictly speaking this means that an extreme form of liberality is achieved through the disregard Salsa and Weiss show in relation to the value of their own retention of time, and the selflessness they are capable of embodying, even at such high costs. The film's opening scene introduces Salsa as being confined state by – as is later revealed – the constant need to find more and more time in order to prolong his life, putting him in a metaphorical ongoing fight for life.The scene shows Salsa from a med ium close-up, standing behind a barred window and looking outside (see figure 2), before switching to a medium longest inside the room, which is almost completely dark save for the backlogging coming in through the window, again emphasizing the confinement Salsa must endure while wistfully looking out of the window in yearning for freedom (see figure 3). Freedom is, however, of course not available to Salsa. He is physically free to leave his apartment at any given time, but he will never be able to overcome the hold that the financial system has on him – at least not legally, but this he has yet to discover. Inflation The ability – and strongly pronounced desire – to acquire more and more time inevitably leads to higher life expectancies, and therefore also overpopulation. The government has come up with a solution to this problem: inflation. Through inflation individuals with little time on them are subject to a higher mortality risk, and this is owe the popul ation is regulated, so as to avoid an increase in societal problems, such as a heightened crime rate, lack of food, water, or medicine, sanitary issues, etc.The effects of inflation in poverty stricken areas are illustrated in one of the scenes at the very beginning, during which the mother of the protagonist dies on her way home because she does not have enough time available to her to pay for the inflated bus fares. It is, however, important to note that, although inflation takes place in the same way it does in today's society, the currency itself, I. E. Mime, is not affected by inflation as such: physically an hour of time remains the same amount of a person's lifetime, the only change in worth comes from the good being acquired by time, which then costs more.At the same time this circumstance underlines the lack of individualizing existent within the film, the effect of which is achieved by the apparent stereotypical disrespect which the lower classes are confronted with and de aths which occur on the streets of the poorer time zones, people being so used to seeing these corpses that they no longer pay heed to their presence and have mingle accepted the irrelevance of their lives in the social system.Inflation is not possible in standard bartering as conceptualized by Aristotle. A commodity's value is determined by its degree of desirability, and so in times of famine edible goods are naturally more highly valued than, for example, in times of good harvest. This point further distances the concept of time as currency from being a form of bartering as it is made clear that inflation of time prices is very much determined and arranged by the government as is perspective's needed, not as is natural. Influence on Social Class The lower classes tend to have little more than a few hours on their clocks, which means that affected individuals must move fast, are far more susceptible to crime due to the instinctive incessant need to survive, are prone to resorting to the vulgar sport of ‘fighting' each other for time in front of an audience, and are subject to more casualties than the higher classes with more time on them are.Social mobility is fairly limited, especially in the poorer time zones, as the search for more time plays an acute role in the search for a partner, however limited this time may be through he constant need to work more. Aristotle describes slaves as being strong enough to absolve the menial duties life presents mankind with, while the freemen are useless for physical labor, but useful for many other purposes of civic life.This can easily be related to the correlation between the upper and lower classes in the film, where the lower classes work in factories or on the streets doing manual labor and producing goods for the upper classes which they can hardly afford themselves, while the upper classes either busy themselves with tasks – if at all – which demand brain power of a stable financial Asia, all the while exploiting the lower classes. Sylvia view on the clock and time as the sole form of exchange available is as follows: â€Å"The clock does no one any good.The poor die and the rich don't really know how to live. We can live forever if we don't do anything stupid. Doesn't that scare you? † (In Time. Dir. Andrew Niccole. Twentieth Century Fox. 2012. Film. ) This describes two of the main issues with which society is presented: the fear and thus ensuing motivation of sudden death, as well as the lack of motivation one may encounter on owning a large amount of time, for there is then of course no longer a need to work ND yet these individuals have so much time that they no longer know how they may occupy themselves. Film Analysis In Time incorporates a combination of many different types of scenes, ranging from dark to light, hectic to slow, extreme close ups to extreme longest, all of which work together to help emphasize the extremity of using time as currency, as we ll as traumatizing and detailing its effects on society.As mentioned above, the clock displayed on the forearm of each and every individual within the movie is often used keeping the audience's perspective constant and attentive to the ‘bigger picture', which the film conveys, as is the case in the swimming scene with Salsa and Well, where the viewer is reminded not to lose himself in the comparatively rather banal romantics, but to stay alert and capable of interpretation on a larger level. The lack of individualism in this type of society is also illustrated.From the first scene onwards – in which Salsa is shown looking outside through the bars of a window – the clammy and fearful atmosphere driven by survival instinct alone without any visually explained causes is constantly reinforced, for example in the scene in which Will Salsa' mother dies in the middle of an empty road from no hysterical cause, or the moment in which the man who gives Salsa over a hundred years simply seems to fall off a bridge filmed from an extreme longest, making the viewer feel all the more helpless and emotionally affected. Conclusion Time is not merely a medium of exchange in the way money is, it is a good or service, which can be directly exchanged for other goods. Therefore, it is essentially distantly related to Aristotle concept of bartering, consequentially combining the traditional concept of exchange with the less modern and, in today's society, rarely enforced concept of bartering.However, one distinct difference lies in the fact that the society Aristotle focused on was to force individuals to be responsible for acquiring their goods individually, whereas in the modern society presented by the film organized work and an advanced market are the predominant themes in which individuals are far from producing their own goods directly. The use of time as the only legally recognized currency ultimately intertwines the length of one's life with the material quality of life itself – what can man physically acquire and how much of it?This adds the component of natural survival instinct to the motivation for finding and keeping work, and has the distinct effect of eliminating unemployment in cases of poverty. The effect this has on crime rates is most likely ambiguous, as the sanctions which a criminal would face are almost certainly life threatening, and yet, if one's life is in danger due to lack of time, he or she is far more likely to commit an illegal act in order to acquire more time than otherwise.These points make this financial system far more interesting on a societal level than anthropometry systems, as society's thinking is deeply affected by a more acute occupation with life itself and the inevitable death, the proximity of which is by far more dependent on one's way of life – how much time is spent working, where and as what, with whom one chooses to spend time, etc.Status seems to play a rather large role in t he upper classes, even more so than in today's society, as it seems that lack of status is greeted with disrespect, as is demonstrated by the waitress at the hotel in which Will Salsa has breakfast, by her comment on the speed at which he moves. Naturally, if one has a very large amount of time there is less of a need to move fast – quite on the contrary, moving slowly is somewhat of a prerequisite to avoid having too little to do with so much time.An analysis of this concept allows for the realization that the current financial concept of money can be comparatively seen as lacking in certain fields. Firstly, the to the fact that the motivation to work is not as high as it is in the film – sanctions would be needed in order to increase the motivation. Secondly, the film highlights the extreme differences in between different social classes, which promotes inequality where it should not – a reevaluation of proportional taxation a integrated living areas could pro vide possible improvements.Thirdly, liberality is naturally a more common phenomenon in the current society than in the film's society, as there is less at stake, and inflation is mainly influenced by governmental regulations and has far less to do with the availability of a good or service. Through the replacement of money with time a new form of financial system is introduced, which is loosely related to the concept of bartering.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ateneo Personal Essay Essay

Eleanor Hibbert once wrote â€Å" if it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience .† We must bear in mind that all our experiences in life, our accomplishments and mistakes, every single person we have encountered, and every medal and scar we have are the reasons why we are who we are today. Every experience, no matter how trivial or immense, is significant. For what I am now, I owe to these experiences. As early as the fifth grade, I have already developed my passion for service. I wanted to join our school’s student government very much, that’s why I started running as a class representative, a P.I.O., a secretary, and lastly as a vice-president. I obtained these positions not because I was popular but because of my willingness to serve. I am privileged to have served the school body for almost six years. This has taught me to do my duties and tasks well, to care for the welfare of others, and it taught me to be able to lead towards the greater good. Having been entrusted with responsibilities was one of the experiences that helped to define me as a person. Through the years, I discovered and enhanced my talents. I had the passion towards art, where they say I inherited from my father, who is very artistic. Doodling on every empty spot on whatever paper I could get on my hands. Sketching and Painting was my favorite. I cherished every moment of our art class, because it’s good to have a time for creativity. I discovered that I could play the piano, I was able to express myself in the music that I make and it was the outlet of my feelings. When I entered high school, I expected everything to be fun and carefree, but I was wrong. This was the time for me to work even harder in order to achieve what I want, because everyone else is trying their best. It really is hard to be an achiever when you are surrounded with many other achievers. I struggled with heavy work load, but through this, I developed the attitude to keep on trying and doing my best. High school for me was also a stage of self-discovery. It awoke me to excel academically, mature emotionally, and discover my identity as part of my family. But faith and having a healthy relationship with God was the strongest factor in defining myself. Trusting Him makes me confident with the problems I may face. And I will never get tired of worshipping Him. I have had the ups and downs in my life, and God was there to guide me and protect me. His plan has given me the best perspective. Life has not really been all that bad since it has also blessed me with moments of pure joy and happiness. Life taught me to hold on and to believe in something even though the odds are against me. Everyday had been the time of my life. This essay made me look back to those 14 years. I admit that I had a hard time defining myself as a person but I have once again put all my effort and did my best. Through this essay, I realized my purpose in this life. I now know my place in this world— to do my best in whatever role I play — as a friend, as a student, as a daughter and in all things, as a Christian. I was truthful and candid and I hope I made myself known. This is who I am. This is Stephanie Joy Cea, an aspiring Atenista.

Patellar Tendon Integrity Health And Social Care Essay

The patellar sinew is normally used as a site for transplant crop for usage in Anterior Cruciate Ligament ( ACL ) Reconstruction. This paper will discourse the construction and maps of the patellar sinew that make this sinew a good tantrum for ACL Reconstruction and the effects that graft harvest has on the staying patellar sinew. The maps of sinews are to attach musculus to cram, convey tonss from musculus to cram, assist supply stableness and guide gesture. There are a couple grounds why the patellar sinew is used to replace an injured ACL. The patellar sinew is about the same length as the ACL. Using the patellar sinew along with bone transplants from the shinbone and kneecap allows for bone to cram healing. The process that uses the patellar sinew for ACL Reconstruction is called a Bone Patellar Tendon Bone Graft ( BPTB ) . An scratch about 8 centimeters long is made below the kneecap. The sawbones so removes the in-between tierce of the patellar sinew along with the bone fond regards from the kneecap and tibial tubercle. The articulatio genus is somewhat flexed. This provides some tenseness in the sinew leting the sawbones to do a more precise cut of the fibres. Holes are so drilled in the shinbone and thighbone for fond regard in topographic point of the injured ACL. The staying patellar sinew is sutured tight together and the paratenon is sutured tightly over the sinew. Bone stopper may or may non be placed in the kneecap or tibial tubercle defects. ( Busam et al, 2008 ) This process affects the patellar sinew ‘s length, strength, burden to failure and mending procedure of the residuary sinew. Normal sinew healing has three stages: Acute redness, Proliferation and Remodeling. Acute redness occurs in the first three yearss. An addition in the figure of glycosaminoglycans and collagen cells is seen. The collagen cells are indiscriminately placed and disorderly arranged. Proliferation occurs between the 2nd and 6th hebdomad. In this stage the hurt is filled with fibroblastic cells that line up perpendicular to the older original fibres. The synovial bed is restored and so the fibroblasts realign parallel to the original sinew. The reconstructing stage may last up to four months. In this stage the new tissue resembles the original sinew as more blood flow reaches the immature tissue. In a six twelvemonth MRI survey of patellar sinew mending it was found that the size of the giver site spread decreased significantly. In this survey the staying patellar sinew was non sutured together. The end of the survey was to find if the patellar sinew giver site would look normal six old ages after reaping the cardinal 3rd. The cardinal portion of the sinew was found to be dilutant and the outer parts were found to be thicker after six old ages. In every topic the breadth of the patellar sinew was wider than the original sinew. The survey concluded that the patellar sinew does n't wholly normalise after being used for an ACL transplant. It ‘s of import to maintain in head that in this survey the giver site was n't wholly sutured. ( Svensson et al, 2004 ) ( Sanchis et al, 1999 ) An in vitro survey executing a remotion of the in-between tierce of the patellar sinew with a sutured closing of the defect was done to analyse the stages of sinew healing. Normal healing was seen with inflammatory hempen tissue busying the giver defect at three hebdomads. At 12 hebdomads the hempen tissue that occupied the defect was replaced by cicatrix tissue that was irregular and disorganised. At twenty four hebdomads reconstructing had taken topographic point in most of the giver defect. The dense cicatrix tissue had been remodeled into good defined and vascularized collagen. This survey showed a normal patterned advance of mending with clip. ( Bertollo et al, 2010 ) The takeaway message from these last two surveies is that complete closing of the defect with suturas provides better healing. A survey was done to measure how the in-between tierce of the patellar sinew healed after transplant remotion. The survey included 12 patients who underwent ACL alteration surgery utilizing reharvested patellar sinew autographs ten old ages after original harvest home. Biopsies were taken from the reharvested sinews. Using an negatron microscope the survey revealed impairment of fiber construction with separation of fibres compared to a tight jammed parallel orientation of the control specimens. ( Liden et al, 2008 ) In a recent MRI survey it was found that after taking the in-between tierce of the patellar sinew the staying sinew shortened by an norm of 4.2 millimeter or approximately 10 % of its original length. ( Hantes et al, 2007 ) This shortening may or may non ensue in Patella Infera. ( Bertollo et al, 2010 ) ( Upadhyay et al, 2005 ) Patella Infera is an abnormally distal place of the kneecap. This new place may do anterior articulatio genus hurting or restricted ROM due to alterations in joint burden. A survey comparing the tensile strength of the patellar sinew before and after taking the in-between tierce was done on corpses. The burden to failure before transplant remotion was an norm of 1920 N of force while after transplant harvest the burden to failure was an norm of 1460 N of force. ( Adams et al, 2006 ) Another survey utilizing corpses compared the tensile strength of the in-between patellar sinew to the residuary sinew after transplant remotion. This survey concluded that the residuary sinew was non stronger than the in-between 3rd that was removed. ( Matava & A ; Hutton, 1995 ) This shows that the tensile strength and burden to failure of the patellar sinew decreased after remotion of the in-between 3rd. A survey examined the strength of patellar sinews before and after surgery based on breadth. The survey concluded that the smaller the size of the sinew the less strength could be regained after surgery. ( Shelbourne et Al. 2004 ) In decision, after usage for an ACL transplant the patellar sinew shortens which may do kneecap infera. Strength is decreased and normal fiber orientation does n't wholly return. This makes sense because the new immature collagen fibres have fewer cross links than mature fibres. The patellar sinew can and will retrieve if the process is done right. However, it will non return to original strength, length or histological visual aspect.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The use of emotions during communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The use of emotions during communication - Essay Example Moving on, it is important to comprehend here that emotion-usage is increasing with the interaction amongst people who hail from different cultural backgrounds and settings. This adds to the value of communication methodologies that are adopted amongst the individuals. Hence the need to have a proper mechanism of communication in place is apparent with the changing times because people feel the need to converse with each other and therefore make their point clear in a very lucid way. People use emotions in order to get their point across to a larger set of audience. This is because they feel that by using emotions, they would be able to make their voice apparent and hence their message would be taken more seriously. The element of genuineness and authenticity seems to be the main premise behind displaying emotions in any communication medium. What is even more important is the fact that communication becomes very complete and comprehensive when emotions are embedded in them. Furthermore, there is a need to decipher the exact role of emotions being at the helm of understanding the communication mechanisms within any interactive exercise. This suggests that those people who lack the proper usage of emotions within their peculiar styles of communicating with a large crowd are usually the ones who are taken in a non-serious way. Their genuineness seems to take a big blow just because they are unable to make use of their body language, their nonverbal cues, their usage of hands, body parts and so on (Lapin 2004). When people use emotions to make their point clear, the audience that is listening to them understands the need for the emotional usage which is indeed further boosting the spoken word within a speech. This speech is indeed important for communicating the message from the sender down to the receiver’s end. The use of emotions within any communication mechanism would indeed bring in the much needed sanity that one is looking for. If the speakers

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing comm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketing comm - Essay Example entire spirit.The report discusses HP’s failures in its conservative management and how ESS has stepped in to launch a good strategic marketing campaign.All these changes are evaluated through the Business Scorecard analysis.The report then evaluates the truth in the future concerns of ESS and whether they can and if so how they should survive.It is concluded that this can only be done if ESS thinks fast to save itself or chooses to immerse and disappear in HP’s ocean of conservative management. The primary reference for this report is a Case Study(2000) prepared by the Stanford University pertaining HP’s interal marketing strategies involves the identification of its internal customer support processes. Assess the extent to which internal factors support the externally facing processes. This should include an identification of the organisation’s current relationship marketing strategies.The study explores how based on this analysis, and on customer buying processes, the organisation can achieve improvements in either their internal or external processes The concept behind e-services is there’s a particular task, asset, or capability that you want to gain access to, that now can be made available to you over the Net, because it’s now being created as an Internet service. This report pertains to the current business position of Hewlett Packard (HP),its current business problems and the way ahead for this business organisation.My first impression at the outset of ESS (E-Services Solution)group is to point out that this venture may be a successful at the outset given the period 1999 until 2000 but it has all the ingredients of becoming a victim of its own success and potentially damaging the work culture of HP with the so called aim of â€Å"infecting† the entire spirit.(see Case Study 2000).I would reach such a bleak conclusion for many reasons which I will discuss below but the pith and substance of my analysis as a management consultant is that

Sunday, October 6, 2019

South Garden Chinese Restaurant - Company Analysis Research Paper

South Garden Chinese Restaurant - Company Analysis - Research Paper Example It could be noted that the stabilization and the further growth of the company could be achieved under the following terms: the measures suggested should be supported both by the management team and the employees. Cooperation across the organization should be improved; in this way, the resistance to the suggested changes could be controlled, a fact that could increase the chances for successful implementation of the relevant plans. In general, the current business structure and operational rules can be characterized as satisfactory (as also described in the business website). However, the declining popularity of the business is a problem, which should be, resolved the soonest possible – before leading to severe loss of profits. The quality of food is a key criterion for the competitiveness of the organization. Currently, the business offers a menu, which is rather common – among restaurants of this type; however, it is clear that a gap exists in the menu: the needs of p eople who prefer organic meals are not addressed. The introduction of recipes based on organic ingredients would increase the restaurant’s customer base; also, long-term customers would also appreciate the specific initiative – an increase in orders from existing customers could be also achieved (Liu and Jang 338). The realization of such plan would require the training of the restaurant’s chefs, a plan that could be easily developed though taking into consideration the level of expansion of such initiatives in the restaurant sector worldwide. It should be noted that the above plan would also require an accurate cost management plan, meaning that the profits generated – or those expected – from these meals would be higher compared to the cost of the ingredients used for their preparation. Because of the increase of organic farms across USA, a balance between cost and profit could be easily achieved, especially if appropriate arrangements are made w ith the firm’s existing suppliers. Another business sector, which would be reviewed, trying to improve organizational performance, would be the workplace. Reference is made to the firm’s employees who are, in the their high majority Chinese. This practice should be changed; Americans should be also hired trying to show the lack of discrimination in the organization; another benefit of such initiative would be the following one: the number of Americans visiting the restaurant would be increased – preferring to being served by people of the same nationality. At the same time, the firm’s existing employees should be offered appropriate training, aiming to improve their communication with customers. Moreover, the use of innovative features for improving the image of the restaurant – as a competitive business in Miami – could be proved particularly helpful towards the increase of the firm’s competitiveness: the provision to the customers o f a unique Chinese cooking show on a regular basis, for instance once a week or every month, could be a successful strategy of such type. One of the business sectors, which should be thoroughly reviewed for improving organizational performance, would be marketing. Currently, the business uses a common method of marketing, leaflets with the restaurant’s menu and its offers are distributed locally, to residents and businesses of Miami. Moreover, a delivery service is used for reaching customers who do not have the time to visit the restaurant. However,

Saturday, October 5, 2019


RESEARCHING BEHAVIORS OF INTERNET SHOPPING - Research Paper Example For this research a lot of literature has been analyzed in depth and quantitative research design will be used for the purpose of conducting this research. This research will be conducted with full authenticity and all areas regarding the current and future trends in internet shopping will be investigated. The internet has become accessible to public for over twenty years by now. It came upon the scene and has exploded in popularity like few things have ever done in the history of mankind. Since the introduction of the World Wide Web, its value in the area of commerce as well as human life has been growing. Skeptical at first, online consumerism has steadily increased and, along with it, has come some positive and negative behaviors. Online business has been the most distinctive feature in this internet era. The internet is used by all types of people on a daily basis for multiple purposes. Internet shopping is one of the most accepted forms internet activities after email and browsing. Online business is the process of buying products through the internet. This has become the easiest way to purchase various items people want, without physically visiting the shop. When the customers wish to buy a product or service, they will explore it online and further make an evaluative learning about the product. This online shopping allows the consumers to search for information about the product and its prices. It opens a vast opportunities for the shoppers to study the product details. There will be several collections of items from books, prints, games to electronics, household materials, etc. They will be better attracted by learning the facts about the products they intended to buy. Then they assess other options avai lable and lastly make a decision to buy the one that most suits their needs, considering all aspects of the product. After, this, the money transaction is done and then the materials are provided. The instances of people

Friday, October 4, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Individual Case Study Assignment

Organisational Behaviour Individual Case Study - Assignment Example It helps in perceiving ideas about organization, groups and individual employees involved in the organisational structure. Thus, the concept is often considered as a parameter pertaining to the explanation, understanding, forecasting and calculation of human behaviour in an organization (Pomsuwan, 2007). In order to access the individual or group performance in an organization, certain areas are primarily focused which include personality, perception, attitudes, job satisfaction, group dynamics, politics, leadership, job design, culture, communication chain, stress of work, and decision-making power that tend to influence the employees’ behaviour at large (Rollinson, 2008). This paper intends to present an understanding of the concept of organisational behaviour and its influences on the employees in case of mergers and acquisitions. Based on a case study scenario of David Orton and Cost Wise, the discussion in this paper also aims at identifying the various issues faced by th e organizations and its employees due to structural changes as a result of acquisition. 2.0. Methodology Organisational behaviour is also known as organizational science which encompasses a prearranged study and cautious relevance of knowledge about how people operate in an organization. ... s which are considered in this regards are employee morale, job satisfaction, absenteeism rate, salary issues and various other inter as well as intra organisational conflicts. The approach considered for this project tends to be purely qualitative based on an objective-oriented research design. The data collected for this study majorly includes journals, books, articles related to the research issue and similar other relevant secondary sources. In order to gather primary data, interviews were conducted with the former employees of Cost Wise and the management personnel of David Orton. Observation technique was also used to identify the various dimensions of the work culture within the organisation from September 2011 to November 2011. In addition, staff visits have also been considered in this study to support the views of the other staffs associated with a similar industry. As often noted by researchers, mergers and acquisitions not only affects the organisational structure and the financial operations, but also influences the employees’ needs at the basic level (Salame, 2006). To conclude on this prediction, the analysis of the data collected will be based on the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy so as to determine the gap between the employees’ interest in these two companies before and after the merger. 3.0. Findings 3.1. Motivational States of Cost Wise Employees Motivation is typically referred as the forces that account for the arousal, selection, direction and continuation of behaviour. These forces act as foundations for enhancing both individual and organizational needs and can be better described by Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels. The first four levels are